
2016年1月23日 星期六

喉輪 — 邀請自由進入你的生命中!THROAT CHAKRA - Inviting Freedom Into Your Life



在手中倒入一些普蕾瑪淡藍光油,將雙手合十,以祈禱般的姿勢放在胸前,花點時間專注於你的內在。 現在,打開你的雙手,深深地吸入普蕾瑪淡藍光油的香氣,並讓這愛的香氣隨著每一個呼吸流入你的全身。



給自己二~三分鐘的時間,隨著你的每一個呼吸,越來越深的潛入你的自由之中,並大聲地覆誦這個箴言:AHAM PREMA-我是愛。用愛充滿你自己的空間,並意識到,如果你允許你的愛自由地流動,那麼去體驗生命中的自由也會變得越來越容易。



Sun Ya與你的神聖阿卡莎團隊

Li Ra整理

We’re excited to share today’s sacred ritual with you, as we’ve reached your light blue throat chakra. We’re going to show you how to consciously invite freedom into your life.

For the next 3 days, we’re going to be using the Prema Light Blue Oil from our 7 Prema Chakra Oils set.

~ Your Sacred Ritual ~

Pour some Prema Light Blue oil into your hands and place both hands together in prayer position in front of your heart, focusing your attention on your inner world for a moment. Now, open up your palms, inhale deeply and allow the loving scent of Prema Light Blue to flow through your body with every breath you take.

Place one hand in front of your throat and one hand on the back of your throat and expand the beautiful light blue color of your throat chakra into a beaming ball of light between your palms. As you’re breathing deeply, expand your light even more, as much as feels comfortable to you. Enjoy the infinity of your light blue radiance, as it brings you infinite opportunities. For 2-3 minutes, dive deeper into your freedom with every breath you take, speaking your mantra AHAM PREMA - I am love, aloud. Fill your space with love and recognize how it becomes easier and easier to experience freedom in your life if you allow your love to flow freely.

Finally, bring your freedom to live by expressing it in a way that gives you joy: sing, dance and jump around for 5 minutes - there are no rules or restrictions, since this is about expressing your freedom. Enjoy this loving salute to life and this beautiful day.

Repeat this sacred ritual as many times as you like over the next 3 days and on January 26th, we’ll be moving up to the forehead chakra to enable you to see and perceive love.

To your freedom,

and your Akasha Sacred Team
