
2015年2月12日 星期四

浴光之路The Path into Light

The Path Into Light® is the path to your own self

You have forgotten who you really are but everything that you need to find back to yourself is already within you. You just have to find it and this course guides you the way.


The Path into Light® is a path you really can go to arrive at yourself and to become aware that everything that you wish with all your heart to reach in your life is already there for you. You only need to have the courage to take the first step.


As you become one with your flow of life, life will immediately begin to flow with you. Thereby e⋯⋯very day life changes according to your inner growth. The reason to walk this path is the certainty of your heart that this is YOUR path. The power that guides you along this path is love.


The six days of the The Path into Light®

To recognize our path to the goal of all journeys it needs a stock-taking in which we feel what is binding us, which inner qualities we have and which we have already achieved and which assisting aspects of light support us on our further way.


We begin the coaching with a spiritual ritual to open the perception of the third-eye chakra. During the first two days of the coaching we face old blockades and dissolve them. Thereby we become lighter and happier. We recognize that we have already strived for the path into light in former existences.


During the third and fourth day we experience the progress on our way as well as the dissolution of old behavior patterns. At the the same time new doorways to different levels of light are being opened to us and the way how to deal with it is practised so that these newly aquired capabilities can flow into our everyday life.


The fifth and the sixth day let us realize our responsibility for the world. We increasingly experience unity with creation. At the end of the coaching everyone who wants to know receives indications of his individual life-task.


Focal points of the spiritual training

» Reconnect with your divine light
» Train your subtle energy perception
» Become aware of your own energy body and light tools
» Learn about subtle energy healing techniques you can use day to day
» Remove blocks in your seven main chakras
» Explore the specific qualities and power of your main chakras
» Learn to use this chakra energy for yourself and to the benefit of others
» Learn to make contact with your spiritual guides
» Gain unique insights into your life task through the Akashic Records
(another name for the “Akashic Records” is “The Book of Life” which keeps all information about everything in the past, the presence and the future)

-透過阿卡莎密錄(Akashic Record),得到對你的生命任務之獨特洞見(阿卡莎密錄的另一個名稱是「生命之書」,它包括了所有一切在過去、現在與未來的所有訊息。)


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