
2016年1月29日 星期五

頂輪—連結你自身的天堂 CROWN CHAKRA - Connecting To Your Heaven


~ 你的神聖儀式 ~


現在,將你的左手放在心輪,右手放在頂輪。允許你的愛向上流動,流經你的頭頂,並持續向上流入你的天堂。邀請這天堂的能量流入你的心,允許這天堂全然地來到你的心,就如同樹深深地扎根於大地般。給自己二~三分鐘的時間停留在這個畫面及感受它,並靜默地覆誦你的箴言 AHAM PREMA- 我是愛。這將會在你的心中創造神的聖殿。




Sun Ya與你的神聖阿卡莎團隊

Today’s sacred ritual with Prema Violet will enable you to connect with your own heaven.

~ Your Sacred Ritual ~
Pour some Prema Violet oil into your hands, place both palms together in prayer position in front of your heart, focusing your attention on your inner world for a moment. Now, open up your palms, inhale deeply and allow the loving scent of Prema Violet to flow through your body with every breath you take.

Now place your left hand on your heart chakra and your right hand on your crown chakra. Allow your love to flow up and through the top of your head all the way into your heaven, inviting heaven to pour into your heart. Allow heaven to arrive in your heart fully, like roots into the ground. Stay with this image and feeling for 2-3 minutes, silently repeating your mantra AHAM PREMA. I am love. And God’s temple will be created in your heart.

Repeat this sacred ritual as many times as you like over the next 3 days and you can even continue and repeat the entire retreat.

As this is the 7th and last chakra, our 21-day self love retreat has now come to an end! Congratulate yourself for following through and giving yourself this amazing gift of love, peace and beauty.

But… It’s not entirely over just yet. Because we’ve created another Bonus ritual for you in which we’ll show you how you can build an own personal power place with the Prema 7 Oils. This is a sacred space to meditate in and simply dive into the power of love. You’ll receive the Bonus on February 2nd!

With heavenly love,
Sun Ya & your AKASHA SACRED Team
