
2016年1月29日 星期五

眉心輪 - 愛的覺察 Perceiving Love 

接下來的儀式能協助你以美好的方式開始一天,所以我們建議你在早上醒來的時候進行這個儀式。 它能夠開啟你的感知,如此你就可以一整天都經驗到愛並在愛的光中看見一切事物。






再次地,在你的手中倒入一些普蕾瑪靛藍光油來按摩你的太陽穴二~三分鐘,讓任何升起的念頭經過並離開。當你深深地呼吸時,就慢慢地清空你的頭腦,並覆誦這個箴言:AHAM PREMA - 我是愛。 清空你的頭腦來迎接這充滿愛的嶄新的一天。

接著,按摩你的額頭,並歡迎這充滿愛的嶄新的一天進入你的生命。讓心中的愛流入你的眉心輪。歡迎所有一直支持著你的靈性協助者們來引領你的一整天,並協助你感知愛。AHAM PREMA - 我是愛。


Sun Ya與你的神聖阿卡莎團隊

Our next ritual is a beautiful way to start your day so we recommend doing it as you wake up in the morning. It’s all about opening up your perception so that you can experience love throughout your day and see everything in the light of love

For the next 3 days, we’re going to be using the Prema Indigo Oil from our 7 Prema Chakra Oils set.

~ Your Sacred Ritual ~

Pour some Prema Indigo oil into your hands and place both hands together in prayer position in front of your heart, focusing your attention on your inner world for a moment. Now, open up your palms, inhale deeply and allow the loving scent of Prema Indigo to flow through your body with every breath you take.

Place one hand on your forehead where the third eye chakra is located and one hand on the back of your head, expanding the deep indigo of your chakra into a radiating ball of light between your palms.

Pour some more oil into your hands and take 2-3 minutes to massage your temples. Allow any thoughts that come up to pass by and let them go, slowly emptying your mind as you’re breathing deeply, repeating your mantra AHAM PREMA - I am love. Empty your head for a new day filled with love.

Next, massage your forehead and welcome this new, loving day into your life. Allow your love to flow from your heart to your forehead chakra. Welcome all your helpers who are there to support you and guide you throughout your day, helping you to perceive love. AHAM PREMA - I am love.

Repeat this sacred ritual as many times as you like over the next 3 days and on January 29th, we’ll be moving up to the crown chakra to deeply connect with your own heaven.

With love,

and your Akasha Sacred Team
